How Businesses Can Limit The Impact Of Crime On Their Operations

Considering the number of responsibilities that fall into the laps of business owners and managers continues to grow, it can be easy to overlook some of the criminal threats looming over their business. Of course it can be easy to track certain forms of criminal activity, but as these criminals become smarter and begin to employ advanced tactics, it’s become clear that many businesses are unprepared. Any form of criminal activity will cost a business a great deal capital and time to settle. In what ways can these businesses improve their security measures to prepare a meaningful defense from these attacks? Throughout this post, these defense mechanisms will be identified in addition to some methods of defense being broken down as well.

While it’s true that many defense methods and needs will vary across industries, their importance remains the same. For example, retailers may experience the common crimes, such as shoplifting, burglary and vandalism. Whereas other major corporations may face more frequent cyberattacks.. For the former, retailers should consider installation of security tools like cameras, alarms and other shoplifting detection tools. These tools improve the surveillance levels of the retailer and can provide valuable information about the culprits if they manage to slip away.

Many larger scale businesses operate in buildings that require a great deal of security. One form of system that is typically used within these buildings is known as close monitoring. Whether it on-site, remotely, or through third party security guard services, any organization can benefit from these comprehensive protection packages from security providers. These systems can even limit the users that have access to both buildings and hardware. Meaning select access codes, card readers and fingerprint readers can be used to protect an organization’s central entry and exit points. This, in connection with requiring ID badges for any person accessing company property can limit the number of unwarranted people from the premises.

While many criminal threats stem from individuals outside of an organization, what about the threats imposed by individuals from within the organization? With more and more organizations experiencing internal fraud cases, it’s becoming a fairly even split. Upwards of 47% of companies have experienced some form of fraud over the past two years; coming in the forms of customer fraud, cybercrime and asset misappropriation. Often times these types of attacks are a collected effort between both internal and external members of an organization. This is why it’s so important for a business to vet their potential employees thoroughly bringing on the wrong employee knowingly can result in catastrophic failure.

Internal defense methods are much easier to perfect with the help of the right cybersecurity measures. Simple methods such as stronger passwords are enough to defend against certain forms of identity theft and social engineering attacks. It goes without saying that every organization should employ the most upgraded firewalls and antivirus software for the sake of utmost protection.

Do you feel as though your business is ill-prepared for any form of these criminal attacks? If you hope to remain protected against all forms of crime, your business will need to acquire the proper protection. For more information on the different types of protection services offered, be sure to consult the infographic included alongside this post. Infographic courtesy of Cancom Systems.

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