HTML canvas provides you with a fairly easy and effective way to draw graphics using JavaScript. For each and every canvas element you may use context into which you are able to create JavaScript commands to draw anything you like. Browsers will be able to work with various canvas contexts and the various APIs offer the drawing functionality.
Canvas is one of HTML element which you can use for rendering photo compositions, graphics, graph, charts, animations or various other visual objects that can be executed by using JavaScript. More frequently, canvas has also been used for developing web game and even online presentation. Canvas is also regarded as HTML tag which is element of the HTML5 standard. It makes it possible for bitmap drawing that is operated using JavaScript for example you draw on the canvas by using JavaScript , and is what the type of libraries used to draw the objects . You can liken it to a sheet of paper which can be an integral part of your page. As you work with JavaScript to draw on the canvas it would be a part of your page and makes it possible for interaction quite easily. Many developers and programmers use canvas to create a control panel for their users and also working with it to create games and web based apps.
The example is a really simple like drawing primitives on the canvas. The dotted line border is made available from CSS to use an illustration into the drawing area. You decide to use JavaScript to draw on the canvas and certainly you will find so many drawing features available to draw.
Using DrawerJs , it is possible to populate and create objects on canvas ; such as geometrical shapes or images . You can also give any shape a gradient, you can easily include text and dynamically modify its alignment, size, font family, as well as other properties and use image filters to your drawing. You may group objects all together, and then adjust them simultaneously. By using lines and arrows to group and connect various parts of your drawing will be easy. You may include shadow to certain object. And make it easily draggable by its content. Objects can also be conveniently flipped in almost any direction or even locked in scaling, movement, etc. It is also possible to clip object to any kind of shape or use color and pattern to fill the object and, certainly, choose free drawing to draw anything you want.
DrawerJs offers a combination of user friendly interface for canvas drawing with effective image/canvas editing systems. DrawerJS enables you to resize crop canvas easily. You can do this either at initialization time, or even afterwards. Specifying one or both might possibly resize the objects when it will be used on the canvas. The object or image can be stretched when the given size contains a different height:widht ratio than the original. DrawerJS is really easy to customize with a plugin for Imperavi’s Redactor, and it includes a lot of canvas editing features,